Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dating Tips for Women by Christian Carter: Conversation Tips to Attract Men

One of the questions that Christian Carter addresses in his Catch Him and Keep him eBook is how to have a conversation with a man in a way to promote attraction, especially when you first meet. In the Catch Him and Keep Him eBook, Christian Carter gives women several examples of attraction building questions that are unique, yet powerful questions in more ways than one.

One of the things a woman wants to be aware of when having an initial conversation with a man, according to Christian Carter, is the attraction that she is or can be creating for him. Attraction can be created using certain conversation techniques that lead a man to see how interesting, unique and unpredictable you are. These three qualities are very high on the list of what really DOES create attraction for a man.

One of the questions Christian Carter tells his readers to ask a man is “What kind of woman do you respect?” This questions is a VERY high value question, because not only is it a unique thing to ask in a conversation, but it also communicates to him that respect is high on YOUR list of characteristics. His answer will reveal to YOU how he looks at women, what qualities he looks for in a woman and what he likes and dislikes – all without you asking him twenty different questions to put together the same answer.

This also creates attraction for a man because it shows him that YOU are not too taken with him to realize that HE has to meet YOUR quality standards. Christian Carter writes that this is a “fun and subtle kind of tension building” (Christian Cater, Catch Him and Keep him, p 205) that helps lead to sexual tension and attraction for a man.

It’s ingenious, really. You are challenging him to answer a unique question, putting him on the spot to see how he will react and gauging his character all in one. Not too bad, huh, for 7 little words? This mix of seriousness and flirtatiousness is an attractive factor to most men, and will leave him intrigued and trying to see if he can answer your expectations in the right way.

It’s a turn on!

Christian Carter also reveals to women readers in his eBook that there are certain questions men may really want to AVOID answering. Well, too bad guys! We just have to find another way to ASK these questions, right? So things like asking him if he wants to settle down, have a family and a wife, or being honest about what kind of woman he wants to be with or have a relationship with – they are tough questions for a guy.  

Christian carter says that the “secret is to not avoid these issues, but turn them to your advantage. Men have a whole set of "triggers" wired around these things that are waiting for women to tap into, as long as they are approached the right way. And if a woman can get to these triggers, she'll have a whole different experience and a more direct kind of honesty with the guy that most women will never see” (Christian Carter, Catch Him and Keep Him, p 206) So – the idea is to approach these things in a unique and “cool” kind of way in order to challenge him, raise his attraction and get him intrigued and wanting more.  

Here is some great examples right out of the Catch him and Keep Him eBook…

For example, using the same playful and confident tone, with a slight mischievous grin, asking, “So what are your weaknesses when it comes to women?”

“How would your last girlfriend describe you to her friends?”

“What have you always wanted in a woman that you haven’t come across yet?”

The idea, says Christian Carter, is to give him a challenge in a playful and fun way in order to keep the attraction going. This will paint you in a VERY unique light in HIS mind, and instantly make you more attractive than most of the other women he has likely met.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Christian Carter's Tips for Natural and Lasting Attraction

I was watching Christian Carter’s program, natural and Lasting Attraction, when I realized that at some point in every woman’s life, there comes a time when she experiences this -you are involved with a wonderful guy – your relationship is smooth and seems to be flowing naturally. You really think that he may be the one! Then he gradually begins to withdraw, maybe not texting as often or calling when he gets home from work, or starting to hang out with the guys more and more.

Soon enough, you start feeling anxious and nervous, maybe a little clingy and needy, according to Christian Carter. Maybe he calls you and he wants to “have a chat”. He breaks up with you – or maybe says he needs some time away, maybe using the “it’s not you, it’s me” line, or “I’m not ready for a relationship” - whatever excuse he dreams up, and you are left wondering where you went wrong. I’m betting that you tried many different things to get him to stay, too. In Christian Carter’s estimation, they might have gone something like this:

You might have gotten totally ticked – and gave him an ultimatum or tried to guilt trip him into staying in your relationship – believing 100% in your heart of hearts that he would be happy as soon as he let himself get settled into your relationship. Christian Carter believes this is one of the first things that women do when they feel threatened in their love life.

Or, maybe you got jealous. Perhaps you went out on a date just to spite him. Maybe you try to ignore him and see if you can show him how much it hurts when the shoe is on the other foot. Or maybe you just said you had a date lined up in hopes that it would get back to him and he would realize that he loved you indeed and no other man could have you.

Or, Christian Carter says, you might have tried to be his “best buddy”, being all chummy and happy, trying to get him to see you as one of the guys, with benefits. Or perhaps you were trying to demonstrate your worth by being helpful and doing all kinds of little things for him. You probably did this because you were hoping that he could understand that you could be a better friend to him than his guy-friends and were therefore worth hanging on to.

Or you could do what I did and go about torturing yourself and acting like having a casual relationship is a-ok with you! THAT is fun – because you cannot let him see that he is ripping out your soul every time he walks out the door, or acts distant or remote. Then you get to sit at home and seethe, and become more angry, ore jealous, more demanding…and the list goes on.

Christian Carter says it’s a vicious cycle, and he is 100% right. And I am going to go out on a limb and say that none of these methods worked for you, (or me!) even though they make perfect sense to us as women. That is the unbelievable thing, to me, now that I have learned a lot about relationships and read a LOT of dating advice. Christian Carter believes that women MEAN WELL when they react to situations like this in a relationship – and I agree completely. I know I did. I thought that by showing my man my feelings of hurt, frustration and bewilderment, that he would see into me and UNDERSTAND where I was coming from. The problem is, that is not how MEN think, and so all we are doing is pushing the buttons that drive them away even more, leading to MORE distance, just the opposite effect of what we were looking for.

I personally think Christian Carter and his Natural and Lasting Attraction philosophy rock, so I turned to him in order to learn how to promote attraction and continuity within my next relationship. What Christian Carter says is that in order to promote Natural and Lasting Attraction you need to start by fixing some things within your own head first.

That makes total sense to me, as I know that in order to really change anything in your life, you first have to change inside yourself. I wish I could say there was a magic phrase that would turn your relationship around in an instant, but there is not – like most things that are genuine and truly works, it takes learning and commitment. There are ways to promote Natural and Lasting Attraction so that your failing relationship becomes healthy, steady and FULL of deep, blossoming love between you and your man. What you need to do to make this kind of attraction a reality in your relationship is to START doing what it is that makes a man FEEL ATTRACTED and MORE INTERESTED in you.

Using Christian Carter’s values, you can easily understand what creates natural and lasting attraction, and what maintains it in viable, steady relationships, and bring that into your OWN relationship. What I mean is that the biggest roadblock most ladies face when it comes to getting through to guys and getting past the stereotypes and on into a true-blue relationship with a worthwhile man is not having the ability to see past their OWN mindset. Overcome that using the tools that Christian Carter gives you and….viola!

Here are a few quick tips that you can use starting today to make your relationship more fun, vibrant and healthy.

The first tip from Christian Carter is to always remember that actions speak louder than words. If you are telling him nothing is wrong, and it is obvious that something is – he will (more than likely) know it. And if he does, and you are lying to him – that is not going to promote honesty and emotional connection. So be aware of what you are telling him with your body, your tone of voice, your eyes, everything.

Next, Christian Carter says to be sure to act in a mature and calm manner. Don’t fly off the handle, shrieking and screaming when you get mad. Don’t text him and say horrible things and then try to take it back later. Remain calm, emotionally mature and cool when you are dealing with him. Christian Carter says that men love COOL girls, and its true – they want to be around someone who they can trust to react a certain way in a situation, and that means being calm, cool and collected.

Another rule Christian Carter gives his readers is to quit obsessing about everything he does. When you try, like I said in my last post, to OVERTHINK your intuition, that is when you get into trouble with anxiety and neediness. If you start scrutinizing everything he does, says and doesn’t say, he is going to begin to feel like an alien species under the microscope, and he will leave. So relax – and remember the things you can and cannot change. The only thing you can change is …..what? That’s right! YOURSELF. (Come on, work with me here!)

So these are just a few of the most basic tips about natural and lasting attraction that Christian Carter shares with his readers and watchers. For more information, please check out Christian Carter’s programs or my website.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Christian Carter Talks About Women's Intuition - and What Kills It

According to Christian Carter, many women spend their time obsessing over their relationships – worrying whether or not their man is withdrawing, trying to read between the lines with every little things he says, trying to interpret his movements and his body language to see if something is “wrong”.

Instead of being helpful, many times this leads to undue stress, needy and clingy behavior, suspicion and feelings of paranoia for the man. According to Christian Carter, when a man starts noticing these needy behaviors, it DOES make him withdraw – so by trying to “figure a man out”, oftentimes women end up being the catalyst that drives him away. It’s a heartbreaking paradox, yet it is repeated over and over again.

Christian Carter – even though he is a man – has noticed something, though, about women’s intuition. If a woman is to sit back and let her TRUE intuition – the subconscious “feelers” that women can extend out and take the true measure of a situation with – many times this is much more effective than trying to reproduce your intuition with conscious interpretation.

So – Christian Carter has developed several steps that women can take in order to allow their true intuition to shine through, while leaving the negativity and forced interpretation behind.

The first step Christian Carter outlines in his plan is to begin thinking POSITIVELY – quit filling your mind with negative emotions such as fear, doubt and suspicion. Stop the obsessive, merry-go-round thoughts about what is wrong. When you think negatively, you invite negativity into your life, you invite problems and negative situations. Instead – interrupt that voice in your head and tell it to go take a long walk off a short peer.

Christian Carter maintains that if you are feeling acutely anxious about something – it is NOT your intuition telling you something. Think about it – the voice of your intuition is a soft whisper in your ear – not a screaming shrew.

When you begin feeling that anxiety – it shows. It shows in your life, your relationship, your communication, and sooner or later – as dense as men can be – he is GOING to notice. Then he gets freaked out. And when a man is freaking out, he bails.

The next bit of advice Christian Carter offers is to STOP trying to make sense out of your man. Do you think he understands you and what makes you tick? Really and truly? More than likely – not so much. So don’t think that YOU understand everything about him either.

Instead – focus on YOURSELF. The only person that you have control over is YOURSELF. The only person you can fix is you. So concentrate on you, and becoming the best person that you can be by becoming mature and maintaining emotional maturity, learning to understand your own reactions and emotions, developing your own interests and being your own person.

The third piece of advice that Christian Carter offers his readers is to simply quit trying to figure everything out. Understand that you do not – nor will you ever – understand everything. Its kind of like the law of attraction – open yourself up to your own fallibility, your own experience as well as the experience of the world around you and LEARN by realizing that you do not know, see, hear, experience or understand everything. Even a tenth of everything. There are forces at work in this world beyond your control, so accept it, learn to live with the surprises, embrace the spontaneity of life itself, and keep on trucking.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Christian Carter of Catch Him and Keep Him

Christian Carter of Catch Him and Keep him is a highly controversial guru on the dating advice scene these days. If one does a web-search on Christian Carter, many pages pull up leading the reader to two different genres of websites - the ones who love him and the ones who hate him.

The Christian Carter haters camp - those websites such as Ripoff reports and others who monetize on disgruntled customers and negative advertising often claim that Christian Carter is a non-entity - he is fake and just another version of David DeAngelo or Eben Pagan. This is easily disproven, as anyone who has watched on of Christian Carter's videos knows - he is a tall, good looking man with dark hair, a melting smile and a soft, pleasant voice. David DeAngelo, on the other hand (also known as Eben Pagan) is a completely different person and can be seen on any of his products that he produces.  You can see a Christian Carter video HERE and a David Deangelo video HERE.  Obviously different people.

I have found support for Christian Carter's products to be very helpful, as well, and reachable at the support email address.  

They do work together - Christian Carter giving information to women on dating advice and relationship help, and David D giving advice to men on the same kinds of things. Together, they form the yin and yang of a company that has been on the online dating scene for many years.
Those who love Christian Carter are those women who have truly taken the time to listen to his advice. Granted - not everyone will benefit from it because every individual is different, however, he makes a genuine effort to help women overcome their inner barriers in the relationship world and come out stronger healthier and with an unmistakable growth in self-esteem and self-worth.
Christian Carter takes women through an inner journey in his programs, challenging them to really look at themselves and learn that the only thing they can fix in a relationship is THEMSELVES - working from the inside out to make their relationships stronger and lasting.

Christian Carter offers many programs, from a wildly popular eBook called Catch Him and Keep Him, full of over 260 pages of dating advice for women that begins with an inner journey and expands into advice and tips for how to attract men, how to deal with your own emotions in a healthy and positive way, to communication secrets and having long term relationship success. His other programs include Natural and Lasting Attraction, Communication Secrets, Finding Love Online, Inside the Mind of a Man, Ready for Love and others.

Christian Carter gains his experience from real life – by educating himself with real women in his life, his background and his circle of friends, family and acquaintances. Christian Carter prides himself on an intuitive understanding of relationships and women, growing up in a female-centered household and being exposed from a very young age to an open and communicative environment. In short, Christian Carter is a real man, a down to earth person with an instinctive ability to help women deal with their inner game, social issues, and relationships with other people.